Why a Self-Paced Microsoft Instructional Skills (MCT) course may be right for you.



Why a Self-Paced Microsoft Instructional Skills (MCT) course may be right for you. If you have been thinking of becoming a Microsoft Certified Trainer, there are several delivery options to consider. Many providers offer the traditional in-person course. This style of delivery takes 2-3 days to complete and require a candidate presentation. You can decide to take a Virtual Instructor-Led online course with many providers. This selection is completed in 2-3 days much like the in-person course. Candidates provide a capstone presentation. The option that gives you the most flexibility is a Self-Paced Microsoft Instructional Skills course. This option requires a final exam.

Who is a Microsoft Certified Trainer

Microsoft Certified Trainers (MCTs) are the premier technical and instructional experts in Microsoft technologies.

When you join this esteemed group of worldwide Microsoft training professionals, you’ll enjoy exclusive benefits including access to the complete library of official Microsoft training and certification products, substantial discounts on exams, books, and Microsoft products. You’ll have access to Microsoft readiness resources to help enhance your training career and engage with other MCT members in an online forum. You’ll also be invited to exclusive Microsoft and local MCT community events.

To become a Microsoft Certified Trainer, you’ll need to earn an approved Microsoft Certification validating your experience and knowledge for each course you deliver.

The Microsoft Certified Trainer program is an annual membership program. You must meet program requirements, complete an online application, and pay an annual fee to renew your training certification for the coming year.

What are the advantages of a Self-Paced Microsoft Instructional Skills Course

There are some clear advantages to taking a Self-Paced Microsoft Instructional Skills course.


When selecting a self-paced MCT course, the student has the flexibility of completing the course in their own time. Students can start the course, and then decide to take a break for a few days as they attend to family, employment, or personal matters.

Better Retention

If you decide to take the self-paced route, the opportunity to increase retention skills can be measured through the final exam. Self-Paced courses not only allow students to re-start a course at their convenience but are built to be repeated.  

Deeper skills development

By working at a pace that is comfortable for the learner, students can take a deeper dive. into the content. This is done by working through concepts that may be challenging several times. This further encourages students to practice skills in the comfort of their home, office, or anywhere at anytime.

No Time Constraints

When taking Microsoft Instructional Skills course in traditional settings such as in -person or even Virtual-instructor-Led methods, students must learn and demonstrate skills within a 2–3-day time frame. With a self-paced Microsoft Instructional Skills course there is no time limit. Students can take as much or as little time as they need to develop the skills required to become MCT Certified. These skills are measured through final exams by the few providers that offer self-paced Microsoft Instructional Skills.

Supplemental Videos

Of the few providers of self-paced Microsoft Instructional Skills Courses, you may have access supplemental videos. These videos are designed to enhance the learner experience. Depending on the provider, videos could be developed to teach actual strategies that can be used in live environments. This can accelerate the NEW MCT’s career and provide keys to successfully launching their career. These videos can be viewed several times and paused to re-enforce skills. They become extremely powerful tools for Microsoft Certified Trainers.

Cost Effective

A self-paced Microsoft Instructional Skills course is not only a great way to learn, increase retention and develop the skills for live environments, it is a cost-effective path to MCT Certification. The content from In-Person, to Virtual Instructor-Led, to Self-Paced study differs little. A In-Person course require additional resources like a brick-and-mortar location and Instructor cost. Though the Virtual environment does not require a physical location, there is still set-up cost and instructor cost. As a result, these offering are priced from $1,797-$2,497 depending on the provider. Of the very few providers that specialize in Microsoft Instructional Skills Certification, seek out the one that offers a Self-Paced course with supplemental videos.. The cost can be under $1,,500 and you have long-term access to tools that increase your skills. You will also have access to any and all videos currently published and any new videos that may be developed in the future.

What is the Average Salary of a Microsoft Certified Trainer

The average MCT earned $116,657 in 2021 through an employer. Salaries have increased above 15% in 2022 to $136,931 as of August 14th, 2022, according to (glassdoor)The highest salary reported is $564,695 (source glassdoor) MCTs have the career flexibility to work as freelancers as well. MCT’s charge hourly, daily, or weekly rates.. Freelancers generally earn more than employees. There are few professions where an investment of as little as a few thousand dollars, or less can launch you to a six-figure income.

What are the requirements for entry into the MCT Program

The Microsoft Certified Trainer Certification is the gold standard of technical training. Microsoft MCT Certification is one the oldest and most recognized certifications internationally in the IT industry. Microsoft developed this certification to provide training for Microsoft Certified Professionals that held Windows 3.1 and SQL certifications. The Microsoft Certified Trainer Program was established in 1993. The MCT Program requirements are stringent.

Candidates must possess the following for entry into the MCT Program:

  • Candidates must possess a qualifying Microsoft Certification
  • Attend and have instructional skills validated by an Authorized Microsoft Instructional Skills Provider such as Fourth Dimension Technologies, Inc.


We have discussed the advantages of taking a self-paced course to meet the requirements for entry into the MCT Program. We have looked at the many benefits to selecting a self-paced course like, skill building, retention, measurement, and the implementation of real-world strategies, that accelerate growth for new MCT’s.

If you desire to become a Microsoft Certified Trainer and want to learn more, please visit out website. We specialize in providing Microsoft Instructional Skills (MCT) Certification.

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